First thing: I was totally shocked, when the car hit the cow!!! The picture in my head was really disgusting. But okay, so is life. At all this chapter was not that interesing except when Alex saw Tom. At any rate, he thought so. I don't know. I mean, he hadn't seen him for so many years, so how can he be sure if he is it for real.
So my questions
Is the man Alex saw really Tom?
What did you feel when the cow died and they couldn't help?
Will Alex tell the band about him and Danni?
Did you like the chapter?
3 Kommentare:
hi kim,
to your first question:
I think it was really Tom, because I cannot imagine that Alex could not recognize his father. And he would act differently if he wasn't sure about it.
First I was shocked about it and I tried to believe it. I think they had act right because they had to be on time on the concert.
I think first he wants get to know his father and then he will tell it only Dani. I can't figure, that he will tell it the other bandmembers, but maybe he will be in a situiation where he has to tell them about his father.
I didn't like the chapter, because it was to hectic and there were many disagreements. Also the chapter was to short to me to imegine the occurrences. But the end of the chapter was really exciting. I'm lokking forward to what will happen in the next chapters.
Hey Kim,
1.I think it was Tom, because in the text Alex was very sure. I can´t believe that he doesn´t recognize his father. I am agree with Arda.
2.I was very shocked too. It´s horrible how the text explains how the car hit the cow. But I think they had done the right. Nobody it would be helped if they drove to the farmer.Then they would come to late to teir live-act and the cow is in any case dead.
3. I think Alex will tell the bandmembers about the relation beetween him and Dani any time but not yet. It´s to early I think
they only kissed some times.
4. I didn´t like the chapter so much, because the journey back to Sydney was a bit excessive and to long. There went to mutch wrong.
But the end was very
interesting. I am courious how Alex first meeting with his father will be.
1. Yes, I think this is Tom... but... hmm... it could be that this isn´t Tom because he didn´t see him for a long time. So I´m not sure!
2. I was really shocked and I don´t know how to help a cow, I´m not a cow but I think its really sad, that the poor cow died!
4. I didn´t like this capter because I think it is a little bit unrealistic and negativ. I lke capters which are positive and funny and not capters where some poor animals die.
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