When Alex talked about `HE´, he was talking about his father Tom. He and his cousin Kevin were on top of the St. Mary's Peek and Alex became very angry, because he is jealous about his dads new life and he just don't understand why he is happy with this new family and not with his old one, Alex and his mom. He said `Let him see how he likes it´, but i don't realy have an idea, what he ment with this thought. I will find out!!!
4 Kommentare:
Hello the Püppi,
your text is written in a way I like very much .. "airy" or something like that xD, "young style" I mean. You answered the second question honest and you show us that you are purposeful. As far I'm concerned you understood everything and there were no problems but, please, if there is anything you want to know, write down the question, if there is something that surprised you, tell it us .. I want to say: tell us your oppinion and we can send you ours and argue.
I <3 U, prillii
--> I like the design and layout of your blog... and the green "?" are 'kuhl' -good idea!
Hey Püppi, I think like you. XD And if I were Alex, I would feel like him, I would be jalous to kevin, because he has so much memories. So many experiences with Alex´ father. I really hope for Alex, that his father will com back to Australia and that he is sorry(!), I hope, that they´ll eatablish a realationship.
Mercifully Tom´s new wife is nice and his "new" brothers , too. I think I would be sceptic to them, because Tom lives with this woman, not with Alex Mum and Tom looks after his children, but not after Alex. How would you feel ? Whatwould you do ?
hey babe xD <3
i agree with you
i think, that alex means tom, when he said "he"
he wanted to know, how tom will feel, when he come home, and alex isn't there ...
ähm ... that's the way, i understand it
yes, my grama is terrible
xD i'm sorry
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